System will automatically generate CurrencySettings scriptable object under Assets/Resources. Do not move it. Even if it is moved, system will generate a new one there and use it.
1. Currencies
Here you need to define your currencies.
- Type -> Defines the type of currency.
- Initial Amount -> With how much currency user will have at start.
- Has Capacity -> Capacity option for currencies like key or energy.
- Initial Capacity -> Initial capacity of currency.
2. Keys
These keys are used to store currencies' data. By default, it doesn't need a configuration and data is stored at PlayerPrefs. If any other method is needed, you need to implement an IRepository that suits your needs. Only then you may need to change these keys to match your services' ids or keys.
3. Custom
- Repository Class -> Type of repository to use.
API Usage
// To get currency int goldAmount = CurrencyManager.Get("Gold"); // To set currency CurrencyManager.Set("Gold", 100); // To add currency int newTotalAfterAddition = CurrencyManager.Add("Gold", 100); // To remove currency int newTotalAfterRemoval = CurrencyManager.Remove("Gold", 100); // To check if has enough bool hasEnough = CurrencyManager.Has("Gold", 100); // To delete key data CurrencyManager.Clear("Gold"); // To get capacity int keyCapacity = CurrencyManager.GetCapacity("Key"); // To set capacity CurrencyManager.SetCapacity("Key", 10); // To check if currency has capacity option bool hasGoldCapacity = CurrencyManager.HasCapacity("Gold"); // false bool hasKeyCapacity = CurrencyManager.HasCapacity("Key"); // true // Events // Triggered on any currency amount change CurrencyManager.OnAmountChanged += (type, currentAmount, changeAmount) => { // Do something }; // Triggered on any currency capacity change CurrencyManager.OnCapacityChanged += (type, capacity) => { // Do something }; // Don't forget to unsubscribe
1. Currency Button
Its state is changed automatically on currency amounts change.
- Type -> type of currency
- Cost -> cost of transaction
- Background -> the reference of background of the button
- Background Active -> sprite to set on active state
- Background Disabled -> sprite to set on disabled state
- OnSuccess -> Triggered on transaction succeeded
- OnFail -> Triggered on transaction failed
2. Currency Collectable
3D version is identical to 2D. The only difference is the collider type it needs.
- Type -> type of currency
- Amount -> amount to add on collected
- Collector Tags -> allowed tags to collect
- Disappear On Collect -> disables game object on collect
- On Collected -> Triggered on collected
3. Currency Label
There are two ready implementation for;
- Unity Text -> CurrencyLabelText
- TextMeshPro -> CurrencyLabelTMP
New ones can be implemented via ICurrencyLabel.
- Type -> type of currency
- Label -> label to show amount
Implementing Custom Repository
You just need to implement this simple interface and change Repository Class to it at the settings.
namespace GO { public interface IRepository { void Set(string type, int value); int Get(string type, int defaultValue); void Clear(string type); } }